Connected by Air, 2018

Richard VijgenConnected by Air (2018), data visualisation

Section: Out of Control Room

Throughout Palermo you can see the sky not only from the streets but also through the illusionistic ceiling paintings in the city’s many palaces. These paintings typically use the perspective techniques di sotto in su (paintings seen from below) and quadratura (a highly realistic perspective that extends the architectural space). Inspired by these painting techniques, Connected by Air by Richard Vijgen creates a data visualisation of the sky, di sotto in su.
The projection of Palermo’s sky on the room’s ceiling in Palazzo Ajutamicristo recreates a window that provides a comprehensive overview of all the data and objects that fill the sky, such as wireless signals, satellites, air traffic, air conditions and air flow. Connected by Air projects a contemporary sky’s image as a carrier of people, matter and information.