Lapidi (2018) and Whipping Zombie (2017)

Yuri AncaraniLapidi (2018) and Whipping Zombie (2017)

Section: City on Stage

The two works on display, Whipping Zombie and Lapidi attempt to audit the practices of remembrance on the field contemporary metamorphosis in relation to trauma and collective history’s gory lacerations.
On one hand, a ritual tied to Caribbean trance and possession cults, in which the inhabitants of a remote village stage the gestures and the dynamics of their horrific past as slaves – gestures and practices where the relationship between the bodies opens up wounds of connections where the power was realized as pure and simple submission. Everything between aesthetic catharsis, and hysteric repetitive coaction. On the other hand, tourists that through the meta-temporal dimension of the selfie hand in to the web the electronic trace of their pilgrimage to the places of Palermo, which were made sacred by the blood of the victims that fought the mafia. In both cases, something got jammed – something that calls into question the effectiveness of the reconstructive and healing mechanism of social memory. The works are on view at Oratorio della Madonna del Rifugio dei Peccatori Pentiti in via Maqueda 74.